Personalizing Retirement Income at Scale
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 12:10 PM - 12:40 PM
Paula Friedman Alex Murgiua John Faustino Wade Pfau

Providing appropriate in-plan retirement income solutions is challenging. How do you select a default solution for a specific participant base? Given the fiduciary responsibility to identify the “right” tools, many sponsors have hesitated to dive head-first into adoption. To address this challenge, Broadridge's Retirement Income Consortium and RISA conducted a research study to understand how to identify the most appropriate in-plan retirement income solutions to complement current options, like target date funds, within different plan participant characteristics.

This session will dive into the insights garnered from their research, shedding light on effective strategies for plan sponsors to navigate the selection process to identify products aligned with the collective retirement income preferences of their plan participants.

Location Name
Hill Country A
Session Type
Breakout Session